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Please begin with an informative title:

The North Head Lighthouse, located in the Cape Disappointment State Park in Washington, was maintained by lighthouse keepers from 1898 until 1961 when the facility was automated. The original lamp in the lighthouse was an oil lamp with five wicks. This meant that the lighthouse keepers had to carry gallons of oil up the narrow, winding staircase every day to keep the light burning. They also had to trim the wicks and adjust the flame height and ventilation. The lens also required daily polishing and every two months the lens had to be polished with wine to ensure a brightly shining light. Shown below are some photographs of the lighthouse, the trail to the lighthouse, and the area around it.


You must enter an Intro for your Diary Entry between 300 and 1150 characters long (that's approximately 50-175 words without any html or formatting markup).

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The Bell Overlook:

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The Residences:

The lighthouse staff included a Head Keeper, First Assistant, and Second Assistant. Housing was provided for the staff. At the present time, Washington State Parks makes it possible for stay in these residences.

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Extended (Optional)

Originally posted to Shutterbugs on Sat Aug 02, 2014 at 08:45 AM PDT.

Also republished by Koscadia.

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