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Rep. Luis "The Hypocrite" Gutierrez stated in an interview that we should follow immigration law.


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The fact is that, because staying in the United States is a privilege and not a right for non-citizens, the United States government can force an individual to return to his or her home country. If you have not been deported before, but have at least one year presence in the U.S., you must wait 10-years to return. If you have not been deported before, but have less than one year presence in the U.S., you must wait 3-years to return. If your NTA states you are an 'arriving alien,' then you must wait 5-years to return.

Because Gutierrez is Latino, he thinks we should ignore the law and give amnesty to everyone that has broken the law by illegally entering the US. Ronald Reagan gave nearly 3 million illegals amnesty and 24 years later, there are 4 x's that number here. What that told these people is, come on over! If you can manage to hide long enough, we will give you a slap on the wrist and allow you to stay - forever. Furthermore, illegals have come here pregnant, delivered the children in US hospitals and feel that because their kids are US citizens, they are then free to stay. Its a scam!

Gutierrez said, of the Federal judge that temporarily blocked AZ's law, that she "used the constitution," that she "didn't make stuff up and extrapolate from the constitution." Apparently, extrapolating from the constitution is bad as it pertains to illegal immigration, but fine when the Supreme Court of the United States extrapolated when it defined the ex post facto clause.

Immigration is not a human right or in the Bill of Rights. Immigration is a privilege, and only for those that stand in line - not sneak in my back door.Updated by demsd at Sat Mar 19, 2011 at 03:13 PM EDT

Wow. A whole bunch of immigrants boo hooing here!

You don't have to like it. I don't lean left, I don't lean right. I'm as American as mom and apple pie. None of the whining or disparaging remarks will change the fact that Gutierrez is a Hypocrite.

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Originally posted to demsd on Fri Jul 30, 2010 at 01:31 PM PDT.

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