Pink Floyd cofounder Roger Waters will be one of the featured speakers at Sunday's 'Rage Against the War Machine' anti-Ukraine rally.
You might be fooled into thinking that the planned rally and march in Washington, D.C., this weekend—dubbed Rage Against the War Machine by its organizers—is some sort of far-left antiwar protest against American support for Ukraine in its defensive war with Russia, a hyper-principled attack on all war anywhere. Especially with a lineup of ostensibly leftist speakers, including Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Chris Hedges, and Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters.
But when you survey the whole lineup and realize that it’s an amalgamation of cultish LaRouchites, Russia Today hosts, antisemitic conspiracy theorists, and far-right figures ranging from ex-Congressman Ron Paul to “Patriot” singer-songwriter Jordan Page, you begin to suspect something amiss. Then you notice the one thing they all have in common: Fervid support for the cause of Russia and Vladimir Putin. This isn’t a peace march; it’s a propaganda operation.
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