I researched this information from reliable sources and links, as always. Update 1/19/25 President Trump And Congress,You All, Need To Help California Now, Immediately!
Presidential Powers-What A President Can And Cannot Do.
The President’s powers are limited, as outlined in the US Constitution. The President can do nothing that is contrary to the Constitution.
The President cannot just pass laws. Congress does that.
Separation Of Powers-US Constitution/Congress.gov The Constitution Is The Supreme Law Of The United States, establishing the structure, of the federal government.
Executive (presidential) orders may be countermanded by Congress and by the Courts. The president's power is limited, by a system that prevents any one part of the government from having too much power. Also known as Separation Of Powers. The legislative and judicial branches have specific power to deny or impede the executive branch's actions. Branches Of The US Government / The legislative branch can override presidential vetoes with a two-thirds vote of both houses. Executive orders are subject to Judicial review and interpretation.
Presidential Powers-Don’t Include declaring war, deciding how federal money will be spent, interpreting laws, choosing Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval.
All the “scare talk,” about the President having, unlimited power, it’s regarding, Trump being immune from prosecution for official acts. Not, About, Trump having some power, to take over the country and do anything he wants. The ruling from the Supreme Court grants the right to claim immunity from criminal prosecution for “official acts” carried out in office, but not for “unofficial acts.”
Resources To Help Immigrants Learn About US Immigration. Laws, Rules, Links, Videos, etc.
“Whatever You Did For One Of The Least Of These Brothers And Sisters Of Mine, You Did For Me.'" Matthew 25:31-40
American Bar Association And Other Related Organizations To Assist In Learning More About Immigration And Pro Bono Issues. Contact-ABA
The Florence Project Free legal, social services, advocacy, to immigrants facing detention and potential deportation. FB/mailto:firrp@firrp.org-The Florence Project’s mission is to provide free legal and social services to detained adults and unaccompanied children facing immigration removal proceedings in Arizona.
Hispanic National Bar Association Pro Bono, Or Low-Cost Immigration Problems Representation
Immigration Help.org Nonprofit Answers Your Immigration Questions-Free
The National Immigration Legal Services Directory-Find Immigration Organizations. Use the options, to search for immigration legal services providers by state, county, or zip code.
Immigration Advocates-National Immigration Legal Services Directory Interactive States Map. probono.net Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included.
ImmigrationLawHelp.org A Searchable Online Directory Over 1,000 Free Or Low-Cost Nonprofit Immigration Legal Services Providers In All 50 States. Helping low-income immigrants find legal help. Search by state, zip code, or detention facility. Users can also refine their search by types and areas of legal assistance provided, populations served, languages spoken, other areas of legal assistance, and non-legal services provided.
To become a US citizen, you must pass the Naturalization Test. Two parts, an English test and a Civics test. - The English test evaluates your ability to read write, speak, and understand English. / The Civics test, estimates, your knowledge of US history and government.
Citizen Test Information Study For The Test-Citizenship Test Questions And Answers. - US Citizens Test.org Videos Youtube Citizenship Interview 2024.
Spanish To English And Other Languages-Dictionary Words-Vocabulary
Note To Texas-Take The Money!
Fear Of Illegals Without Background Checks? This Is The Solution.
Foreign Labor Certification - For Employers/Texas Workforce Commission
United Farm Workers Of America New Immigration Process The H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Classification UFW
An H-2A worker’s spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age may seek admission in H-4 non-immigrant classification. Family members are not eligible for employment in the United States while in H-4 status. H-2A temporary agricultural workers can stay in the United States for up to three years. No annual cap on the number of H-2A visas issued.
The H-2A program was first instituted to provide agricultural employers with a larger workforce during times of anticipated labor shortages.
H-2A workers are non-US citizens who satisfy the regulatory requirements and who are qualified to perform the necessary work.
Anyone seeking such a classification must have either a US employer, an agricultural association acting as a joint employer, or a US agent, obtain a temporary labor certification and file forms. Called “Petition For A Non-immigrant Worker.” Processing Time
This Border Security Bill would expedite work permits for people who qualify.
Way cheaper than rounding up grandmas, families, children, people here for years who just let their green cards expire. All, who pay US income taxes, just not citizens by definition.
The only reason they’re coming to the US is because they’re starving in Mexico and South America and looking for work.
Give them a legal way to enter the US with their families and they won’t try to swim the Rio Grande anymore. Green Card For Employment-Based Immigrants.
Adjustment of status After an immigrant visa petition is approved, the H-2A visa holder can apply for a green card through a process called "adjustment of status." This process allows the applicant to remain in the United States while their green card application is being processed.
H-2A workers and their families, may apply for Green Cards while on H-2A visa. You may attain an immigrant status in the US through the following Family Based Immigration. If you have close relatives who are US citizens or US permanent residents, the relatives may file an immigration petition for you as the beneficiary.
It’s a win, win. For Texas, whom, whether they admit it or not, need good workers and for Mexican migrants who need the work.
It is much more efficient and economically smart for states like Texas, to give Mexican and South American people, a legitimate path to the US.
Texas and other states need the farm and ranch laborers. And with all the horrendous weather good construction workers are in big need also. Mexicans are so talented at that too. Trump's Deportation Vow Alarms Texas Construction Industry. / Texas Public Radio FB
The Biden administration announced, an additional 64,716 H-2B Seasonal Worker Visas for Fiscal Year 2025 will be available. These supplemental visas are in addition to the 66,000 visas allocated annually by Congress.
Congress created the H-2B Non-Agricultural Temporary Worker Program, to allow US employers to bring non-citizens to the United States to fill temporary non-agricultural jobs.
These additional H-2B visas are the maximum number permitted under congressional authority. These supplemental worker visas are in addition to the 66,000 H-2B visas available this fiscal year, as mandated by Congress.
H-2B Program US Dept of Labor
How to Apply for an H-2B Temporary Work Visa to US
H2B Visa Sponsors
H2B Visa Processing Time / For Employers
Update Dec 23, 2024 The DHS Border Services Contract Review Act was passed by the Senate earlier this month and signed into law. HIDALGO, Texas (Border Report) President Joe Biden signed a new law that requires more congressional scrutiny and oversight over federal border security contracts. The Law Requires Congressional Scrutiny, Oversight Of Border Security Contracts. - Contracts that exceed $50 million will undergo congressional scrutiny and require the DHS Under Secretary for Management to deliver a report assessing contracts for services performed along the US Mexico border. by Sandra Sanchez - BorderReport.com WNCT Daily News
Why Should We Support Immigration? Immigration increases potential economic output by increasing the size of the labor force. Immigrants also contribute to increasing productivity. Nearly 80% of them have lived in the country for a decade or more.
Note To GOP - Are You People Crazy What Is Your Love Affair, With A Deadly Weapon?
And This
Water On Fire! Dimock Pennsylvania gas fracking. Marcellus Shale Reality Tour. Natural Resources-Fracking Converts Rural And Natural Areas Into Industrial Zones. Replacing forest and farmland with well pads, roads, pipelines and other infrastructure. Destroying precious natural resources ie underground residential water sources, rivers, lakes, flora and animal habitats.
The number of jobs directly related to the natural gas industry, comprise less than 1% of the workforce in the state. Indicating a relatively small impact on overall employment. Residents fear of health repercussions and environmental damage continues.
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a controversial method of extracting natural gas from shale rock by pumping millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and chemicals underground at high pressure. Environmentalists say this threatens water supplies and pollutes air.
Update January 6, 2025 President Biden, Bans New Offshore Oil And Gas Drilling In Federal Waters. Using authority under the federal Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, to protect offshore areas along the East and West coasts, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and portions of Alaska’s Northern Bering Sea from future oil and natural gas leasing. The Associated Press
The "Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act" (OCSLA) is a US federal law that establishes the jurisdiction of the United States over the submerged lands of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
US Curbs Offshore Drilling - Emma W. Thorne Editor LinkedIn News
President Trump, I saw on the news that you said, on your first day in office; one of your immediate official acts will be, drill, drill, drill. That, and deporting every immigrant in America.
Ever Heard Of Aquifers - Connecting Aquifers?
Aquifers are geological formations, or subterraneous layers of rock, sediment, or soil that contain and diffuse groundwater. Aquifers are comprised of; layers of sand, gravel and bedrock. Groundwaters-are those that lie below the Earth’s surface and encompass the spaces between the rocks and sediments. An aquifer is an underground geological formation which contains water and sufficient amount of water can be extracted economically using water wells.
US Geological Survey Government Organization scientific research to understand the environment, natural resources, and public safety.
In the hydrological cycle, (water cycle) of the planet, aquifers, are essential. Supplying water for different uses; domestic, industrial, energy, recreation, etc.
Water Cycle A relevant characteristic of aquifers is, the replenishment of water through a process called recharge. Wikipedia
Some Advice, President Trump. Same Advice I Gave You In 2016.
You Are President Of The United States. (Again).
Life; Is The “Ultimate” Reality Show. And It’s No Game. Now, President Trump, You Are “The Apprentice.” So, you should ask yourself, do you want to be, a real President? Or just another guy, who had the office?
We the people, whom as President, you have sworn to represent, expect you to do things correctly.
Stop fooling around, with all the dumb jokes and general crazy talk I’ve read and heard about. You really need to act like a grown up. You’re the President of the United States. Boy from Queens, NYC, makes good. We can only hope! This is your second chance to be great, not ostracized.
In Other Words, Don't Screw It Up!
And I advised you regarding; not, antagonizing-provoking, Judges. You didn’t listen to me. Then, you wonder how you got, almost a ½ Billion dollars in fines? Donald Advice, From The Best Street Lawyer Ever, Anywhere, Me. "STFU!"
I’m unconcerned, regarding Trump’s not going to jail (that was never going to happen anyway). He’d be a king in jail, a role model. The gov’t got Trump good already, with nearly, ½ a Billion dollars in fines and restrictions. Trump Must Pay $354.9 Million.
February 17, 2024 Justice Arthur Engoron; Ordered; Donald Trump, must pay $354.9 million in penalties for fraudulently overstating his net worth to get lenders-bankers, to give him better loan terms.
Judge Juan Merchan Calls Out Trump’s Disregard For The Rule Of Law.
“Trump has engaged in unrelenting and unsubstantiated attacks on the legal system. The defendant’s disdain for the Third Branch of government, whether state or federal, in New York or elsewhere, is a matter of public record.
The Defendant (Trump), has gone to great lengths to broadcast on social media and other forums his lack of respect for Judges, Juries, Grand Juries and the Justice System as a whole.” Excerpts from the judge’s ruling to go ahead with Trump sentencing. Youtube
Judge Merchan - “Dangerous rhetoric is not a welcome form of argument and will have no impact, on the Court’s decision.”
btw President Trump; didn’t anyone ever tell you, that, you're supposed, to always pay “hush money,” in cash. Checks? Seriously!
Take My Advice This Time, “Mr President.”
I’m Telling you the truth, President Trump. I know, you know, who I am. Everyone, (almost) in NYC and NJ, knows me. My Grandparents were immigrants. My Father was 1st generation. Born on Grand St (NYC), by the Brooklyn Bridge 1893.
I have decided to keep on advising President Trump. Obviously, he needs all the help, he can get.
Maybe Trump can change and end up, a good President. Anyone can change and do the right thing. It happens all the time. There’s no getting rid of me, either way, anyway.
LA enacts sanctuary city ordinance to prepare for potential mass deportations under Trump.
The Los Angeles City Council approved a “sanctuary city” ordinance that bars city resources from being used for immigration enforcement and city departments from sharing information on people without legal status with federal immigration authorities, in anticipation of potential mass deportations under President-elect Donald Trump. Los Angeles (AP) Nov 12, 2024
Councilmembers voted unanimously on the measure, joining more than a dozen cities across the United States with similar provisions.
Sanctuary cities or states are not legal terms but have come to symbolize a pledge to protect and support immigrant communities and decline to voluntarily supply information to immigration enforcement officials.
Advocates say they are havens for immigrants to feel safe and be able to report crime without fear of deportation. (AP) Associated Press
The California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC) A constituent-based statewide immigrant rights organization with offices in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Oakland. It is a leading immigrant rights institution in the state. CHIRLA Coalition For Humane Immigrant Rights Of Los Angeles.
Mass Deportation How Much Would It Cost? $88 billion and up to, $315 billion dollars a year. A report from the American Immigration Council, an immigration rights research and policy firm, estimates that to deport even one million undocumented immigrants a year would cost in excess, of over $88 billion, annually. This estimate does not take into account the loss of tax revenue from workers, nor the bigger economic loss if American businesses lose labor. A one-time mass deportation effort could cost around $315 billion, the report estimates. including about $167 billion to detain immigrants.
The report estimates that to deport one million immigrants a year would require the US to build and maintain 24 times more ICE detention capacity than currently exists.
While Trump cannot act on these plans until Inauguration Day on January 20, 2025, immigrant rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU, have been preparing for his return for months and are vowing to fight the operation in the courts.
During his last term in the White House, Trump faced multiple lawsuits from groups, including the ACLU, over policies such as family separations and "Remain in Mexico." Some of these were successful in halting programs. The organization was already planning to file similar suits if needed.
Latino leaders warn that Trumps proposed mass deportation plan could lead to a return of widespread family separations, with an estimated one in three Latinos at risk of being targeted.
The hardline policy would result in families "being ripped apart," they said, raising concerns about the impact on human rights and the social consequences of such an extensive crackdown on undocumented immigrants. FWD.us./Latino Justice-FB Immigration advocacy.
Trump's Mass Deportation Plan Would Cut Farming Labor By Half. Farmers have raised concerns about a loss of migrant workers, who are vital for their businesses. Farmers from Florida to Wisconsin, say that the country's economy would suffer as fewer American-born citizens enter the job market. Trump's mass deportation plan could injure the job market, if laborers across a variety of industries are forced to leave.
Immigration advocacy groups say, they are at the ready, to fight Trump's deportation plans. - More
Karen Tumlin, founder and director of Justice Action Center, said in a statement; "I've sued every president since George W Bush. We have won cases before judges of all political backgrounds, including those appointed by President-elect Trump."
"We have a simple message for President-elect Trump or his deputies if they decide to make good on their despicable plans; we will see you in court. And, we have a message of love to immigrant communities, we see you, we are you and we will stand with you."
The ACLU is urging state and city leaders to act before Inauguration Day, saying they had powers to prevent residents from being forcibly removed. Sources CNN, Newsweek, American Immigration Council.
How Trump's Mass Deportation Plan Would Hurt The US. Center for Migration Studies of New York March 27, 2024
Republicans Are Going To Regret Trump's Deportation Scheme. by Kos
UnidosUS-Immigration Nonprofit, the largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in US.
Julia Spiegel, founder & CEO of GovAct, talks with Rachel Maddow Blue state governors working together to secure their states against Donald Trump's anti-democratic policies. Youtube (Some Trump images).
Immigration advocacy groups and Democratic leaders are seeking to interrupt President-elect Donald Trump's plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants by pre-drafting lawsuits that could be filed as soon as he takes office.
Several immigration advocates and Democratic leaders told ABC News they have spent months preparing for the prospect of another Trump presidency and the expected crackdown on immigrants that Trump and his newly tapped border czar Tom Homan have promised.
Leaders in several sanctuary cities have said they are going to fight back using all the tools legally available to protect immigrant communities.
"We have been doing the work in this office to prepare for a lot of different hypotheticals and we will be prepared to face those with every tool that we have," said Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson at a press conference last week. Ferguson told reporters that between 2017 and 2021, his legal team defeated 55 "illegal actions" and policies from the Trump administration.
24 Democratic state attorneys general across the United States hope to present a unified front to block the Trump administration's immigration policy by using his first term as a blueprint, according to Sean Rankin, the president of the Democratic Attorneys General Association.
ACLU Sues-Information, Questions How Gov’t Plans For Infrastructure And Mass Deportation Details.
The History Of Immigration To The United States
Guide To The US Government To Inform Students, Parents, And Educators About The Federal Government. The Government Publishing Office (GPO).
Four More Years Of Donald Trump. "More Of The Same Old, Same Old."
How did this happen? Oh well, back to continually disagreeing with him. And having to advise him, don’t do that! Work, work, work.
Next four years are going to be a struggle, with Trump. But we’ve been here before. So, if Trump wants to try, to pull all the stuff, he bragged he’s going to do. We’re here to stop him.
Don't Panic.
Remember? We've Been Here Before.
We Won, Then Too.
I’m not scared of Trump. All his big talk. Just scare tactics. (Of course, some poor undocumented person, might be, rightly concerned). Trump’s trying to scare people. The old, “offense, is the best defense,” strategy.
I remember “The Donald,” from back when, and he remembers me.
In the 80’s, everyone in NJ, used to call me “paine atkins.” Because, when I talk, smart people listened. And for other, obvious reasons. (Sensibleness), it’s, one, of my “gifts.”
What gets me upset with a Trump Presidency; is, Trump’s lack of political expertise, his unrealistic, unreasonable, xenophobia, and that, he will try to destroy this country environmentally in four more years. I worry for the world, for everyone else.
Not A Smart Move Here President Trump; Your trimmed down spending bill, also cuts funding meant to extend the World Trade Center Health Program. This program helps 9/11 first responders and survivors. Paying medical bills, for people with health conditions related to exposure at Ground Zero.
Port Authority, NYC Cops, And Firemen were my best friends when I was young back in the 60’s and 70’s. In those days the police were young people’s friends. They always helped me. Firemen saved me a couple of times too.
I, And Every New Yorker, New Jerseyan, Tri-State Area Constituent, We, Strongly Resent Cuts To This Program! Strongly Resent! Never Forget!
Thousands of first responders who received financial aid from the World Trade Center Health Program were left to fend for themselves. Congress left the program out of the budget bill last Friday to avoid a government shutdown.
Cutting this WTC funding is a big mistake. You need Fireman and Police in NYC to like you, President Trump. And I don’t know how welcome you’ll be in NYC, or, even, in NJ, after you just defunded, this program. The program’s lack of funding will cause treatments for first responders and survivors to be rationed. FDNY union representatives are asking Congress to take definitive action. “We are asking for Congress, to make a stand-alone bill.” A new Congress will resume in January. First responders say they will continue fighting for permanent funding.
Looking Forward-For Our Democracy. Trump’s victory is a call to action for those who value our system of checks and balances. / Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law FB Justice William J Brennan Jr's devotion to core democratic freedoms, the Brennan Center for Justice works to strengthen democracy, end mass incarceration, and protect liberty and security.
FYI-The Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)-Helping eligible lower-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy related home repairs.
As Vice Pres Harris said in her concession speech. We won’t give up the good fight to save Democracy just because Trump won the election.
“You have the capacity to do extraordinary good in the world. And so, to everyone who is watching, do not despair. This is not a time to throw up our hands. This is a time to roll up our sleeves to organize, to mobilize, and to stay engaged for the sake of freedom and justice and the future that we all know we can build together.”
I Totally Agree With Vice President Harris. And You're At The Right Place To Witness Democratic Progressives In Action, Here At Dkos!
I’ve been researching, writing and editing this post since Nov 5th. Every day, all day-night. What can I say, except, It’s just me, my computer and the internet. Sitting on top of a mountain somewhere in the USA. I have a BA in Sociology with minors in philosophy, media, history, and more. Plus 18 grad credits in ESL English, As A Second Language.
I learned protest from the best, back in the 1960’s. And I still learn even more, from those still out there, like Occupy and the many other brave protesters. ie Kossacks taught me so much.
Seeing how badly the world needs help, I decided to put my life experiences to good use. I learned how to use the computer in 2008, and I was off!
“True Journalism, Is Printing What Someone Else Does Not Want Printed. Everything Else, Is Public Relations.” Author Unknown First Version Quoted, 1918.
For Dr Theodore Adams, Professor Of Sociology. My Constant Muse.
200 Families Gathered Along The US-Mexico Border For Brief Reunions. November 18, 2024
Families Reunite At “Hugs Not Walls.”-2024 Videos Youtube.
Meet Young Immigrants Scholastic.com
Teen Immigrants American Stories Youtube
Teaching About The Refugee Experience
Books To Teach Students About The Refugee Experience
Immigration Stories Of Yesterday And Today Ellis Island Teacher's Activity Guide Scholastic Inc
Translation “Hurray For Women, Resist!”
♥Our Lady of Guadalupe♥
It's said, "If you have a question, ask Our Lady Of Guadalupe and she will tell you the answer." So, I asked her; how I could help, the poor, starving, Mexican People (and everyone, Immigrants, from everywhere).