I normally would not do this, but this blog entry I read the other day sticks in my mind and is so descriptive of what we as American's are faced with today. Of course as you no doubt suspect, it is about ALEC.
Posted by 2old2care at the above link of "Because I Can". I think in one blog 2old2care caught all the nuances, agenda and end goals of ALEC and at the same time caught the difficulties we are faced with in refusing to present a united front in opposition to that agenda.
"Our President lives in a fairy land.
"Our President and all the Democrats (except Mark Pocan & Bernie Sanders [I] ) live in a fairyland.
"All of them are so busy chasing their tails that none of them are paying attention to what is really happening in America.
"Their ignorance and their refusal to act against ALEC will destroy the United States of America.
"Our ignorance and our refusal to act against ALEC will destroy the United States of America.
"No one is going to step forward and save our country. We are headed for a “corporate state” – we will become a complete fascist state, probably within the next ten years - that's what ALEC wants and there is no one to fight them on it - (oops, better pull the covers over your head, put your fingers in your ears - la, la, la, la, la, la, - there's that "f" word - god forbid I should upset the "offenderati" of political blogging).
"Those of us who see the phrase “American Legislative Exchange Council” (ALEC) and pull the cover over our heads are only delaying the inevitable truth.
"Those of us who see the phrase “American Legislative Exchange Council” (ALEC) and pull the cover over our heads denying the truth about what is REALLY happening to the United States of America – are supporting ALEC – giving them exactly what they want and need– our complacency."
In order to understand the foregoing statements and how on point they are we must look back more than a decade to Paul Weyrich (ALEC Co-Counder) and one of his disciples, Eric Heubeck. Weyrich is also co-founder of several other Right Wing foundations, organizations and groups. At the core of Weyrich's thinking was to completely change America's culture and make Progressive politics and processes illegitimate. Weyrich outlined his theories and ideologies in a "training" manual disseminated to Conservatives. In 2000 Heubeck compiled all of Weyrich's instructions into one document and published it as "The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement". A lengthy diatribe perhaps, but a must read if we are really to understand what the agenda is, how they designed it to work and tools they would use to accomplish eliminating the Progressive element from politics completely.
Below I have copied some of the more important sections revealing the philosophy and mechanics. It is simply time to take the gloves off and call this Conservative agenda exactly what it is - corporatocracy or by the more familiar term fascism. Time for political correctness has ended. Cover your ears, avert your eyes or do the la, la, la, la,la thing described above. Sadly, none of those actions will make ALEC and their activities go away. They and the Cabal and joint agenda will not disappear.
After reading take a moment and think back over the past decade and see if the pattern set forth in this document was literally put into action...
As Heubeck proclaimed in 2000 - and Weyrich a decade earlier:
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