Within the first 3 months after Elon Musk bought Twitter, ad revenue declined by 50%—according to the BBC.
Elon Musk has killed Twitter. The once-vibrant microblogging site has become a cesspool of hate speech, with advertisers leaving in droves.
Progressives like those at Indivisible have come to the sad conclusion that it is no longer worth engaging on Twitter, and even offered a helpful guide to alternative social media platforms.
May we suggest another place to get your political news, write your thoughts about what's going on in the world, and engage with other like-minded individuals? Look at Daily Kos.
Daily Kos is more than just a political news site. It is home to an open, thriving community of progressives where you don't have to be on staff to participate. You can write stories, comment, recommend, join community groups, and more!
Before Facebook or Twitter came along, Daily Kos was already an online platform for activists to engage. Now that Twitter has imploded, it's an opportune time to create an account here.
Click here to sign up for a new Daily Kos account and join our reality-based community.
Of course, you don't have to write full articles on Daily Kos. Most of our users just lurk or write the occasional comment. And before the Facebook "like" became omnipresent in our culture, Daily Kos users would "recommend" stories that gave them more prominent placement.
The internet can be a vile, toxic place, and many news outlets have debated removing reader comments altogether. But at Daily Kos, the caliber of comments is higher—and folks who violate our rules of the road (short version: don't be a dick) can eventually get banned.
Far from being a liberal echo chamber, Daily Kos is where people with common values can discuss politics and strategize. We have opinions, but they are based on facts. We are a reality-based community where you are expected to back up your claims with sources, and where misinformation is actively discouraged.
How do you set up an account at Daily Kos and start writing? Our staff made two short YouTube videos that walk you through the process. And our Help Desk is always available to troubleshoot questions. We also have these additional resources.
Click here to sign up for a new Daily Kos account and join our reality-based community.