African-Americans (most of us, anyway) have ALWAYS done this.
It has been quite a few years since I’ve written a blog for DailyKos — I prefer engaging in the threads. But a comment was made on a thread about Senator Kamala Harris’ questioning of AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions II on what he knew about Russian interference, recusal and whatnot, and the pundits responded by calling Harris hysterical (even though the clips show she was anything but).
The following comment was made, which caught my attention: (h/t Philebob):
Ya know, there might be a bit more truth in that than you intended. One aspect of racism is the fear that those you have enslaved in the past will wreak their vengeance in the future. (Emphasis mine)
I responded and liked what I said so much, I thought it deserved its own blog entry:
If African-Americans haven’t extracted our revenge for slavery, Jim Crow, COINTELPRO and every other offense done to us in more than 500 years, I can truthfully say that I believe the fear of whites is completely UNFOUNDED.
If anything, I believe we’re a forgiving race of people, because most of us KNOW that our quality of life is diminished by hanging on to grudges and vengeful thinking. The way we extract pay back is to LIVE WELL, because we know living well is the BEST REVENGE.
While I cannot and will not speak for all African-Americans, I think after shuffling on this mortal coil for more than 40+ years, most of us cannot afford to be vengeful because it is all we can do to survive this mofo on a daily basis, but we also strive to LIVE WELL. LIVING WELL means there’s no room for revenge. As John Donne would say, “it diminishes mankind.”
Something for the Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the Sean Hannitys and other race-baiters to think about.