You may not have noticed, but Hillary’s already got a fight on her hands. No… Gov. O’Malley hasn’t declared yet – he said he won’t say whether he’s in or out until the end of next month. No other Democrat has jumped into the race beyond Webb saying he’s exploring things.
This opponent is someone you know well. In fact, we’ve watched their attacks on Hillary and Bill Clinton since they first hit the national scene in the early 90s, started by Karl Rove and his pals. Now Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers hare leading the battle, and they’re holding auditions to see who the GOP nominee will be in 2016. The winner of these auditions will be a grand prize of as much as $100 million and a mighty organization behind them.
The fact that the New York Times has joined forces with the fear-mongers at Fox News doesn’t help.

This is one of my pictures from the Harkin Steak Fry in Indianola IA last September!
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