Like everyone else, my heart sunk when I heard that Tim Geithner was about to announce the Obama administration's plans plans for the rest of the TARP money. Because for all of the common sense-sounding rhetoric about how this "new rescue plan must help struggling homeowners by reworking their mortgages", anyone who has paid a half second worth's of attention to history, recent and otherwise, knows that the banks have no intention of letting this money trickle down on the rest of us.
And while their buddies in the corporate-owned media keep telling us that only by giving more money and tax cuts to the upper classes, thanks to the efforts and information from those in this community, we know there is a better way.
So rather than let the banks steal sit on another $350 billion dollars or our tax dollars, I'd like to ask my fellow Kossacks to help push for two plans, which, together will lower our energy usage, costs and dependence on foreign oil, stop the plummeting home values, while keeping Americans in their homes and putting them back to work. And these two plans, Rebuild America and The Architecture 2030 Stimulus Plan, actually cost less than the $350 billion Geithner wants to give to the banks.
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