This election season was amazing in so many ways. Democrats outstripped Republicans in every conceivable metric: enthusiasm, volunteers, newly registered voters, money raised, new donors, seats won... and of course the crown jewel... the presidency.
Not only that, but the GOP is losing its favorite WMD, Word of Mass Destruction: LIBERAL
We're seeing a shift in the story being told about us and the story we're telling about ourselves-- and what it means to be liberal. From the Denver Post:
WASHINGTON — The political weapon cabinet might need restocking. "Liberal," it appears, isn't the lethal label it used to be.
And lets not forget weasels like Palin, Bachman, and Leiberman running from their own attacks on Obama:
That whole anti-American, friend-to-the-terrorists thing about President-elect Barack Obama? Never mind.
We did not just win. We fucking kicked ass. But it is not just as simple as winning elections.
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