We all know by now that millions of China-produce toys have been recalled by manufacturers due their lead-taint.
We all know that Bush and many Republicans have opposed the SCHIP health bill which would have covered millions of children.
We all know the debacle which No Child Left Behind has been.
The intersection of these three issues constitutes a moral imperative for progressives and Democrats, and exposes an incredible weakness in the Republicans/Conservatives: What happened to family values?
Below are my initial thoughts on this 'story' and how it can be used to a) mobilize an understanding of progressive family values b) expose the Republicans as rhetoricians who fail at every turn to provide and protect our families c) enable us to offer a clear progressive alternative as a coherent package.
Granted the Dems are not perfect in all of these issues, but we can show that we are a hell of a lot better than the RepubliCons/Conservatives.
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