Nick Rolovich, head coach of the Washington State University football team, was fired on October 18 for failing to comply with the state vaccine mandate put in place by Governor Jay Inslee. Rolovich was the highest paid state employee, receiving $3.2 million a year. (I know, insane, but also true in many other states where a football or basketball coach is the highest paid state employee.)
No doubt, Coach Rolovich preached the concept of “personal responsibility” to his team. Over and over.
Well, today, as one would expect from a devout follower of Trump, Rolovich sought to claim victim status by filing suit, alleging that he was fired as a result of his religious faith. (Rolovich is Catholic, and, apparently, is unaware that Pope Francis is vaccinated and has been urging Catholics to get vaccinated.)
From his lawyer:
“It is a tragic and damning commentary on our culture and more specifically on Chun that Coach Rolovich has been derided, demonized and ultimately fired from his job merely for being devout in his Catholic faith,” Brian Fahling, a lawyer for Rolovich, said in a statement obtained by ESPN and Yahoo.
No, Mr. Fahling, Rolovich was fired for refusing to get vaccinated, period. The case will be laughed out of court.
Knowing that this case has a near-zero probability of success, I wondered why Rolovich would even file such a suit (besides wanting to play victim) which will only result in further humiliation.
And then it struck me: He never thought they would fire him! He’s an arrogant, entitled, dumb white guy who really believed they wouldn’t dare fire the state’s highest paid employee and football coach.
So it got me to thinking about the conversation that happened in the Rolovich household on October 18th as Coach returned home from being fired. I imagine it went like this…
ROLOVICH: Honey, you'll be proud of me. Today, I stood up for freedoms and liberties!
MRS. ROLOVICH: Oh? What did you do?
ROLOVICH: I got fired from my job because I refused their tyrannical vaccine mandate!
MRS. ROLOVICH: Wait… You what?!
ROLOVICH: I got fired rather than submit to their unconstitutional power grab!
MRS. ROLOVICH: Are you out of your freakin' mind? You assured me that they would NOT fire you!
ROLOVICH: I stood up for freedom.
MRS. ROLOVICH: Freedom?!!! Freedom???!!! You friggin' idiot!
MRS. ROLOVICH: I married a complete freakin' imbecile! A moron! A nitwit!
ROLOVICH: A freedom fighter?
MRS. ROLOVICH: You threw away our lives, our family's life, so you could be a "freedom fighter?" Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you?
MRS. ROLOVICH: You specifically told me, and I quote, "They will never fire me. I'm the highest paid state employee and I'm the football coach," unquote.
ROLOVICH: Well, I was wrong. But I stood up for----
MRS. ROLOVICH: We'll have to sell the house! The kids will have to change schools! YOU IDIOT!!!!!
ROLOVICH: I'll... I'll... I'll get a lawyer and sue them!
MRS. ROLOVICH: On what grounds?
ROLOVICH: That my faith wouldn't allow me to get vaccinated!
MRS. ROLOVCH: We're Catholic. The Pope is vaccinated. He told everyone to get vaccinated. What the hell is wrong with you?
ROLOVICH: I'm being persecuted for my religion!
MRS. ROLOVICH: No, you're a moron who threw away a three million dollar-a-year job because you watch Tucker Carlson every night. He got vaccinated! Fox News has a vaccine mandate!
ROLOVICH: They do?
MRS. ROLOVICH: Yes, they do.
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