Good news! We have now raised more than $10,000 in donations and pledges this week. Our Spirit of 1776 campaign has ignited our drive to generate $1.776 million dollars before the May 2006 Democratic primary in Pennsylvania.
To those of you who have given directly, commited to giving monthly, are in the process of giving, or are going to give in response to my "eleventh hour" (June 30) call for support--THANK YOU!
No matter what you contribute, $17.76, $76.00, $776, or $1776--now or on a monthly basis--I can assure you that you are on the front lines of a pro-democracy movement to restore governance to all citizens. The cynics are sneering while we are organizing. The establishment attacks us while speak up for, and fight for, progressive values and principles. The opposition's support is a mile wide and half-an-inch deep while our support is 1000 yards wide and a mile deep. At the same time, they are shrinking and we are growing...rapidly.
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