I thought it best to write a diary tonight, for several reasons really.
Barry and I have been up and then down through all the emotions that have been
careening like a virtual roller coaster. While Barry’s loss was a disappointment to me, there were several moments of light that proved not only encouraging but also humbling.
The really big high was today, when unexpectedly Kos put Barry on the front page encouraging others to help retire the campaign debt. I can’t thank you enough Markos, your words and encouragement and donation really mean a lot to Barry and I. To all those that have helped to pay down the debt, I can only say Thank you, and I know it sounds so feeble – I just don’t know how to convey as sincerely as possible our thanks, our gratefulness and our renewed strength that your words and actions have meant to us. My very heartfelt Thank you doesn’t translate so well on page, but I’m writing this with gratefulness and affection.
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