Cross-posted at Open Left
Today, on the 4th annual Blogosphere Day, I'm proud to join with you to celebrate democracy at its very best: Americans from coast-to-coast joining together, thanks to the power of the Internet, to change the direction of our great nation.
I'm a believer in the power of progressive blogs, and I've blogged about the need to build and fund the progressive blogosphere. Messages coordinated and distributed by blogs play are playing an important role in changing the debate in Washington; helping us fighting back against the right-wing narratives pushed out by the White House and carried by the press.
I've also watched the blogosphere rally together to support key candidates against incredible odds. You don't have to look any farther than my new colleague, Jim Webb, to see what a difference the blogs have made in Washington. The progressive blogosphere -- and ActBlue, which sent nearly $1 million to his campaign -- played a critical role in his upset victory over Sen. George Allen in Virginia.
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