I just thought I would throw up an open thread to get a better feel for DKos right now, and also to serve as a reality check on my perceptions. My perception is that Clintonistas and Sandernistas have drawn lines in the sand already that are morphing into trenches. My perception is that there is far more excitement here for Bernie than Hillary. Perhaps it's because I'm just not reading the right diaries, I don't know.
The interesting thing to me, though is that almost to a person all of the Sandernistas play along with the unstoppable Hillary meme and pretty much insist that they will support the Democratic candidate, if it's Hillary...
So, my question, to everybody, but especially to the Clintonistas is... lets just pretend that history repeats itself and Hillary's sure thing vanishes just like last time. I'm very curious, in that scenario, if you take the same pledge as I have and throw your support to the other Dem... or do you sit it out... or do you vote Republican?
I would be honored if you would drop your thoughts or pledges into the comments... or ignore this diary entirely and we'll keep having fun sparring ;)