Tom Petty speaks to me…
I've given up, I've given up
I've given up on waiting any longer
I've given up, on this love stronger
I don't feel you any more
you darken my door
Whatever you're looking for
Hey! don't come around here no more
...and I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise.
It’s like clockwork...
2004: Dean/Kerry
2008: Obama/Clinton
2012: Progressive Obama/”He’s basically the same as Dick Cheney Obama”
...but each time I’m embarrassed for us.
Check the wreck list above and below…
Attack. Attack. Attack. Barf from exhaustion. Eat barf. ATTTTTTTAAAAAACCCCKKKK!
A few thoughts…
#1: Have you EVER changed your mind because someone SHAT on something you loved? You like marsupials. I like cephalopods. Well, you know what… “Marsupials are UGLY, INEFFICIENT lifeforms, MORE FIT FOR A BARBEQUE then this planet. They are sure to go the way of the STELLERS SEA COW and anyone who would consider even being SEEN with a member of the Didelphimorphia Order are basically INSIPID EVOLUTIONARY DEAD-ENDERS.”
Are you now RUNNING and JUMPING to go phone bank for a Bigfin Reef Squid?
#2: Do you really believe there are persuadable voters, in swing states, sitting on Daily Kos at this moment who’s actions will be altered because of your outrage?
Or are you more likely turned on by the repetition of your outrage?
I’ll help you out, at least on part one.
The answer is… NO. There are NO PERSUADABLE VOTERS on Daily Kos from Iowa or New Hampshire or Nevada or South Carolina who, upon reading your thrashing of the other candidate will be inspired to join your cause.
You’re shouting in a thunderstorm.
You’re pissing into a high wind.
You are masturbating, during rush hour, in the center of Times Square.
(And it ain’t the FUN masturbating, where everyone gets just a LITTLE turned on, but the the sketchy, overwrought, sweaty, desperate masturbating where people worry your sex piece might fall off.)
#3: Your blog ALREADY EXISTS, in a slightly less verbose form… over at Restate or FreeRepublic.
Go, look… you’ll see it there. The exact same diary has been written by people who don’t believe in global warming and want to elect Ted J. Rubio Trump of Christytown.
Want proof?
Pick any of the attack diaries on the rec list and then go check out the oppo sites.
Go. Do it now. I’ll wait.
(pauses... twiddles fingers... makes cup of PG tips… considers editing masturbating paragraph)
#4: Should YOUR candidate win, you’ll need your friends later. We always forget it. Every time. Those people who are knuckles deep for Hillary… will be asked to support Bernie later. Same the other way around.
And its going to happen. One of them is going to lose and the constant repetition that one or the other isn’t acting in good faith… ain’t gunna look as pretty when you turn around an cry…
“Come phone bank, because SUPREME COURT!”
You look shitty.
You seem petty.
You embarrass your candidate.
You detract from the cause.
Do better.
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