I see a Colorado Springs area code. Who the hell is calling me from Colorado Springs? I pick up the phone.
"Hello, this is Jay Fawcett."
I wait for the rest of the robocall. After a about a second, I realize that it is Jay Fawcett.
I say, "How ya doing?
"Good, we're trying to beat..."
I interupt, "How much does it show I've given you?" I know I've given to Trauner, Tester, Paccione, Ritter, and the ACLU, but I can't remember if I thought about giving to Fawcett or actually did give.
"Nothing, yet."
"How about a hundred and I'll let you get on to the next call"
"How about $500?" Gotta love his moxie.
"I can do a hundred right now. I'll hit Actblue. OK?"
"Thank You."
"Keep kicking ass."
"I will."
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