Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach. F-15 fighter pilot. 18 years of service. Part of the initial alert crew on September 11. Flew combat missions over Iraq and Afghanistan. 88 combat missions. 2180 flying hours. 488 combat hours. 1487 fighter hours. 9 air medals.
Under constant fire and surface-to-air missile assault, with a wingman experiencing a major aircraft malfunction, he fired all the weapons on his aircraft and guided all the weapons from his wingman's aircraft to take out 12 armored personnel carriers preparing to ambush the initial advance on Baghdad.
This decorated, officially confirmed hero is being fired.
Two years short of a full Air Force pension. Two weeks short of his next deployment. Neither he, nor the roughly $25 million spent on his training, will continue to be of use to us.
His crime is that he is gay.
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