This Diary is a Direct Response to BrooklynBadBoy’s enthusiastic diary pushing Elizabeth Warren for VP nominee.
I think the world of Elizabeth Warren, but not as VP. As VP she will be eviscerated and unable to exercise her free will working as #2 to Hillary. She’s a great leader and champion of working America. So, allow me to discuss your points one by one.
Brooklyn Bad Boy says:
1. She’s better in the Senate!
Is she? Why? Name some major legislation she has pushed through. You can’t because there isn’t any. You need to clear your head and look at this shit. The Senate needs better Democrats, but that is a long ass fucking slog and Warren is 66 years old. …..
But She IS better in the Senate!
Warren may not have a major piece of legislation to her name, but name me some Democrats who have had major legislation passed since McConnell took over the gavel there. However, Warren has, on an almost weekly basis thwarted, out maneuvered and blocked Big Banks, Hedge Fund and Wall Street lobbyists from promoting and pushing legislation that would Gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) like a dead fish. She is doing a superb job of protecting the Agency she built. Why, because Warren is a Senator, she reviews the legislation, then goes around and explains it to a bunch of old guys Senators in terms they understand as their equal. She explains to them how the legislation would gut the CFPB. As a Senator, club members have to listen to Warren, she is their equal (one of the 100 who is). To loose her voice and equalizing force in the Senate would give Banks, Hedge Funds, and Wall Street the long term victory they have been preying for since they realized the mistake of blocking her as head of the CFPB, the agency she constructed.
If Warren remains in the Senate, her name will be on many future pieces of legislation that will guide this country to greater prosperity and regulate the greed of Wall Street over the next 50 years or more.
I have no doubt that if Warren joined a Clinton Administration she would be THE ONE VOICE at the table in that group that has some real power. I know she will drive a hard bargain and be a fighter.
Come again? She is only ONE Voice, and subservient to POTUS. POTUS is in charge, and when Clinton makes a decision, she must fall in line. A powerful voice, yes. But she has no more real power at the table more than anyone else, and less than the POTUS (who will be looking to protect Bill’s reputation because he signed the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA) act that killed the Glass–Steagall Act. ) which let slip the Dogs of Banking, which caused the recession and a lot of other evil in the world.
Ask Tim Geithner if she is a person to be reckoned with. Read his book if you don’t believe me. You want to leave Clinton’s right ear to Bill Clinton? She’s got two ears people.
As a Senator, she is a person to be reckoned with, and feared, as Geithner does, As a Senator! As VP, not so much.
Bill will have one ear, so we need an Elizabeth Warren in the Senate where she can stop his silliness.
2. A Republican will appoint her successor!
Its fucking Massachusetts people! We can hold a goddamn Senate seat in fucking Massachusetts. As long as we ban Martha Coakley
Coakley is Old Guard, just like Hillary, ain’t gonna happen, they’re going to have to deal with her some more if Warren becomes VP.
I really don’t think much of this one except as a red herring, we’re talking National Level vs State Level here. The Nation needs Warren in the Senate.
3. Balance the ticket with a pair of balls!
Funny how we never have to balance the ticket with a pair of breasts, right? There has been nothing but men as vice president and president. Somehow this was never a problem. But NOW we need balance. My my. How convenient. Never mind that Warren is a goddamn dynamo on the stump.
So, why does it HAVE to be a Woman? Why limit yourself. Warren is good, that’s why she was able to get herself elected to the Senate. Being effective protecting the minority. But there are a lot of People out there who are just as capable of holding the job. I understand Joe Biden will be available for consideration as VP soon.
4. Something, something dumb ass pick a Latino!
...There are NO LATINOS in the Democratic Party who have the fame, political agility, national scope, or political experience and following...
I actually kinda agree with you here.
So let’s open the field for a good liberal. Russ Fiengold, Raúl Grijalva, Keith Ellison, Xavier Becerra, John Conyers, Elijah Cummings, Donna Edwards, Louise Slaughter or Maxine Waters to name a few. There are lots of progressives who would be great as a VP, not necessarily a Latino, but they shouldn’t be excluded from the list. Who knows who will shine on the national stage if they get the chance.
Folks, Trump has done a better job for us with the Latino vote than Pete Wilson could have ever dreamed of doing. Or than any elected Latino currently holding office anywhere ever could. We are GOOD on that score, rest assured.
I agree.
5. There is no upside for Warren.
Aside from waiting for Hillary to kick off some night, there is no upside, just oblivion, I think that Elizabeth Warren would be bottled up just like Joe Biden is and Hubert Humphrey was as described in the Tom Lehrer song “Whatever became of Hubert?” I don’t want Warren bottled up as VP. Pop Quiz, who was Bill Clinton’s VP? Eisenhower’s? Johnson’s? Nixon’s? Didn’t pull those names up in an instant, that’s where Warren will be, the dustbin of history. The only thing she will be used for is as an attack dog on the Campaign trail. After Hillary gets elected, she’s a sock puppet for Hillary. That’s the reality of VP.
As a Senator, if Trump wins, Warren is still the front runner for progressives.
Give Warren a big ass Microphone for the campaign and then let her build her credibility in the Senate by championing her causes. Getting Legislation passed, and keeping Wall Street in line.
If it was her time, she would have run against and beat Hillary. Warren is better to the Nation in the Senate. Projecting a progressive agenda and guiding new Senators for the next few years. After all, nothing says that Hillary has to have the same VP for both terms.