Promoted from the diaries by DemFromCT. The younger generation is more engaged and less homophobic than their elders were at their age. In fact, knowing this is one reason why there's a 'need' to deal with gay marriage by legislation. The other, of course, is that it gets out the vote. Anyway, no reason to blame the kids. They were there for Kerry... and they are the future. Just happens they weren't the only ones to show up.
Just a note to anyone who's been buying the "kids didn't show up" spin. It's bull:
Despite long lines and registration snafus, voters under age 30 clocked the highest turnout percentage since 1972. The good news is that America's young people are more engaged in politics than at any time in two generations. Aging cynics have been quick to blame the kids for a host of political lapses, but the cynics have it wrong.
People under the age of 30 turned out at the highest rate in more than 30 years, and we voted for change. In battlegrounds -- where my organization and a host of others did the bulk of their work -- turnout was above 60%, and broke for Kerry by an average of almost 20 points.
Florida? Ours.
Ohio? Ours.
Colorado? Ours.
Virgina? Missouri? Arkansas? Ours.
Our generation did it's part and then some, and most of us will stick with it. If it were up to us, it would be Kerry by a landslide. The future belongs to us, not the moral minority.
Check below the jump for the map. It'll make you happy.
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