Music for America is proud to present the first installment of "Partisan Jab", the new biweekly series of political shorts from filmmaker Jason Woliner.
You might know Jason from his "funny" Bush Ad Remix or his "mean" Bush Joke Video, but those are but a glimpse of the substantial body of work that has earned him a reputation as a force in activist filmmaking, both internet-based and otherwise.
This first episode is a remix (of sorts) of John Ashcroft's terror-themed press conference last week. A new Partisan Jab will be premiering at the first and third Monday of every month. We hope you enjoy them.
Music for America is an independent nonprofit political organization getting 1 million new voters fired up to participate in the 2004 elections. Through live concerts and an interactive website, we are connecting culture and politics, exposing political hypocrisies, and igniting a grassroots movement.
Jason is honored to be a part of the MfA family and hopes to bring the trademark subtlety and wit that made "Hit Me Cheney One More Time!" into such a sensation to this current set of videos.
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