I voted in Washington State today from Ireland. Here are a couple of new things you need to know. Because of COVID there are fewer planes flying and it has become harder to get mail onto a plane. My ballot was about 3-4 days later in arriving than usual. I was beginning to panic. It arrived today.
For WA state one can now vote via e-mail by taking pictures of both sides of the ballot, the back of the now signed return envelope, and the instruction sheet optionally.
Before the packet was even cold from the delivering post man’s hands, I had it back at the local post office. The postmistress is used to my voting envelopes now and very carefully stamped the envelope with her date stamp. I told her Trump’s name was inside and so I was wearing a mask not to catch “trumpies” from that. Left her laughing. For all overseas voters — Do immediately vote and return the packet immediately so as to be sure it gets on a plane quickly and through the effed-up US post system before Nov. 3rd.
Happy President Biden everyone.