In the final act of the most prolific lame duck Congress in history, The Senate and House simultaneously passed bills repealing Daily Kos 4.0, and enshrining "Daily Kos Classic" into federal law. Said Senator John Tester, "well, we couldn't repeal those darn Bush tax cuts, but at least we could repeal this other monstrosity." Congressman Patrick Murphy chimed in, "this will save progressive internet users much pain and heartache over the coming years. I am proud we passed this bill." Although clearly a sop to the base (progressive internet users), the legislation has been widely praised from all corners, even by Republicans!
On the heels of the tax compromise, the unemployment insurance extension, DADT, ratification of the START treaty, and passage of the 9/11 responders bill, the repeal of Daily Kos 4.0 is the final piece of a veritable tsunami of consequential ground-breaking legislation. Obama, adding another legislative victory to his scorecard, is expected to sign the bill just before stepping onto Marine One to commence his vacation in Hawaii.