For years, I have lamented the weekly appearance of Bill O’Reilly’s column in my local newspaper, the Reading Eagle. But as Bill helps lead the far-right fringe in their march off the cliff of political relevance, his columns have become so deranged and desperate that they certainly qualify as unintentional comedy and self-parody. This almost makes them fun to read, and certainly makes them much more amusing to ridicule!
Two weeks ago, Bill's column presented the predictable tea-party rant about how government had become too big, too controlling, and too involved in American’s every-day business. In the following week’s column, O’Reilly completely contradicts himself by calling for more government intervention to stem our country’s moral decline. He calls for our smaller, cheaper government to focus on arresting and incarcerating substance abusers, going after teen "sexters" with the full force of our legal system, and in general, setting government to the task of pulling up people’s pants to make society safe for decent folks like Bill-O.
So what kind of absurdity did Bill O'Bullshit dredge up this week?
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