Next year, Americans will have the chance to repudiate the Republican Culture of Corruption all across this country. Despite the absolute incompetence of the Bush Administration and blatant corruption of Republicans such as Tom Delay, Bill Frist, Randy Cunningham, the list goes on; every race to unseat a member of the corrupt Republican regime is going to require an incredibly difficult effort and lots of money.
In CA-50, the opportunity is great. Incumbent Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham is enmeshed in a bribery and conspiracy scandal that has already forced him to announce his retirement at the end of this term. Of course, if indictments are handed down before the end of the year, the resulting controversy might cause Cunningham to resign.
There is a viable, powerhouse Democratic candidate in place and running hard in CA-50. Francine Busby took the fight to Cunningham last year. She lost the race, but didn't give up the fight. With a solid organization in place, party support and, MOST CRITICALLY, a candidate who stands for something, Busby is a contender in what has been a safe Republican district.
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