Sorry did not find another Way to present my Live Focus matters for the next few days.
First, as you have probably already notice, English is not my first Languages, I thank you for Your Indulgence.
I read and write without ''Correctors''
I listen, read and write in the languages that have their roots in Latin, German, Greek, Hebrew and Sanskrit. So, when I comment it is a personnal perception, when I quote or refer to something I is authentic.
I am a volunteer on the International level and my ''Drive'' is to reduce morbidity and mortality and it is so for years.
I choose to entitled this diary; (The Sun, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Snowstorms, Bernanke Adress, Persian Gulf, Iran, Russia, China) because the Convergences of ''Events'' is surprising to say the least.
SO here is my instinctive reaching out for informations.
Because of the Snowstorms, M. Bernanke adress in front of the Financial Service of the House of Representatives, here is M.Bernanke adress Strategy of the Federal Reserve Bank to get out of the Hesitations of the Economy. I will relay International Reactions to this Strategy of M. Bernanke.
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