Are National Strikes organized along the lines of Sinclair affair an appropriate tool to use now?
It seems clear that the new administration will move with stealthy speed to enforce their will on the country before traditional political resistance can organized into a resistance. As a newer member of the Kossacks, I am really depressed by the coded language that Bush is already using in decribing his 'political capital account' and how he wants to spend it as soon as possible. The right wing talk radio guys are melting their antennas with a message of 'mandates', 'majoritys', and 'moral authority from God'.
While many are licking their election wounds, the NeoCons will be moving to implement their agenda. We can't depend on the SCLM. We have the ability to provide the Resistance. We should watch the Administration movements and when they cross our line, we mobilize to draw attention.
If this idea has possibilities, would some talented individuals please work on organizing a strike?