As I vote from abroad, and am not flush with cash, I was looking for ways to spread the word to support Hillary. I was searching for the recent side-by-side comparison of Hillary’s reaction vs Trump’s reaction to hecklers. I remember a very short version of it, suitable for Twitter and quite compelling. When I searched for Hillary — video: hillary trump hecklers secret service — no video of Trump came up — only lying reactions to Hillary, some of which you see in the screenshot.
So then I searched for Trump, and still came up with more lying reactions to Hillary.
I think this is not a good thing, because in reality, Hillary showed great courage and calm, and the bloated orange spidertoad lost his shit.
Of course, I’m sure there are exact search terms that would yield better results. but I bet regular Americans don’t know what those are.
So, my first question is: does anyone have a link to that video, the Twitter version?
Then, I made a poll (below) to see if folks feel that action is warranted.
It’s actually after midnight for me, gotta work tomorrow so I need to sleep, but I will check in in the morning to respond to comments, if any.