Just now on Deborah Norville's program on MSNBC, she's moderating a "discussion" between the MoveOn.org Ex. Director and Jim Dyke, RNC communications director, about climate change. After Dyke mentions Bush's environmental initiatives (cough cough) such as the Orwellian "Clear Skies" and "Healthy Forests" and complains how people don't talk about those, Norville says essentialy (paraphrasing) - "Well, isn't that your job? If people don't know about these things, doesn't that mean you're not doing a very good job as communications director?"
Then when Dyke calls MoveOn "a bunch of Bush-haters" for the third time in the exchange, Norville bitch-slaps him and says that calling anyone a "hater" doesn't really advance the policy discussion.
And finally, she blows a minor stack when Dyke, for the second time, accuses George Soros of applauding the attacks on 9-11 (he said Soros called the attacks "spectactular -- well, they were. Spectularly horrible.) and "airing ads comparing Bush to Hitler". This is when Norville lost it: "This is exactly the reason when you look at voter participation in the USA it is so low. People just turn off to politics when we see you carping like this. A pox on both your houses", although her ire was definitely directed specifically at Dyke.
Wonder where Norville will find work when MSGOP fires her ass next week? ;-)