Nothing we don't already know here....but they really are fascist pigs over at
They are part and parcel of the current rightwing personality. Strict authoritarianism, no tolerance for honest debate, it is really unbeleivable. I was banned inside of 5 minutes. I have included the entire comment thread for your review. If you read it, pay special attention to the fact that I did not use profanity, nor engage in any name calling when making my arguments.
Alas, civilized discourse is just not in their blood I guess. I know these are the nuttiest of the nutty rightwingers, but this is what makes up the core of the Rethuglican base and it is good to see, from time to time, what we are dealing with. If these guys are in control of the country........I think we got problems.
It just makes me appreciate Daily Kos even more. At least people can come here and post disagreements and we engage them. As you will see, they do it a little differently over there.
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