Let’s not bury the lede here. I was full cavity and striped searched entering East Berlin from Check Point Charlie. I was eighteen. This Storytime Diary was inspired by the East Berlin story BeninSC posted on 12/14. It started with a question from a...
by BehindTheLines
56 Recs
Daily Kos allows its members to be as anonymous as we like. We choose our own usernames, and we’re not required to provide our given names. As for the rest of our identities, we can reveal or keep ...
by Flowergirl77
102 Recs
Five simple words — oh, how powerful they could be! Debra Coe, of Lehi, Utah, had this published in the Salt Lake Tribune Friday, August 27, 2021. www.sltrib.com/... "Bear ye one another's burdens." Five simple words combined into this powerful...
by Richardeslc
7 Recs
Joe Biden ended the twenty-year war in Afghanistan. That’s a historical fact now. It wasn’t perfect, and it wasn’t pretty, but it had to be done, and by God he did it. His first year in office, too! When Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld invaded Afghanistan...
by rougy77
238 Recs
Well, friends, I’ve been persuaded to take the plunge and write my first ever (finally) diary.� � Two friends and I had�planned a trip to Williamsburg in April 2020 but COVID�put the kibosh on ...
by Backus
45 Recs
Infrastructure and racial equity are two of the largest priorities for the Biden Administration. But if they want to make real progress on either, they must start by understanding how the two issues are inexorably linked. Inequities in infrastructure...
by Wendell R Stemley
36 Recs
The Arizona GOP-led Maricopa County audit of ballots from last November’s presidential election has an official floating the bizarre theory of bamboo content in 40,000 ballots. It may indeed be the smoking gun they’ve been searching for proving once...
by jabueva
11 Recs
I have always been passionate about Human Rights. Ever since I was a little kid, I always wondered why inequalities exist and why people cannot accept one another as they are. As I grew older and began to travel with my family, and seeing the world for...
by kabrail
10 Recs
110 years ago, on Saturday, March 25, 1911, a fire broke out between the 8-10 floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan and which mainly produced fashionable...
by Honkette
47 Recs
In October 2013 hubby and I visited Myanmar. Now with the recent coup and ongoing unrest in Myanmar, memories of our trip resurfaced. Aung San Suu Kyi had been released from house arrest in 2011, a quasi-civilian government had been elected,...
by Mentha
39 Recs