Today’s comic by Matt Fiore is Keep calm and panic on:
On Saturday, Louisiana will decide one of the most chaotic elections in recent memory. The polls show Democrat John Bel Edwards beating scandal-tarred Republican David Vitter in the gubernatorial contest. But Vitter and his allies aren't going down without a fight in this dark red state, and we could still see one last surprise. Polls close at 9 PM ET, and we'll be liveblogging the results until the bitter end.
What’s coming up on Sunday Kos …
- Thirty-five years of terrorism, by Mark Sumner
- The Democratic down-ballot hemorrhage: Is it as much of a crisis as it seems, by Steve Singiser
- Fear, hatred, intolerance, and ignorance only feed the monster known as Daesh, by Mark E Andersen
- Reaction to France's 9/11 in Paris is déjà vu, by Egberto Willies
- Pain management: We have the technology, by DarkSyde
- I hate fundamentalism, by Ian Reifowitz
- A review of 'The ISIS Apocalypse' by William McCants, by Susan Grigsby
- Black Codes and anti-black terrorism, by Denise Oliver Velez
- Radical Christian holy warriors really need to stop throwing stones, by Frank Vyan Walton
- Which states will gain seats in Congress come 2020, and which will lose? Here's a very early look, by David Beard
Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard was released from prison early Friday, culminating an extraordinary espionage case that complicated American-Israeli relations for 30 years and became a periodic bargaining chip between two allies.
Within hours after his release, Pollard's attorneys began a court challenge to terms of his parole that they called "onerous and oppressive," including requiring him to wear an electronic GPS ankle bracelet and the monitoring of any computer that Pollard may use either personally or at a job.
An underwater drone that Northrop Grumman was using to conduct sonar research in the Chesapeake Bay was caught this month by a local waterman, the defense contractor said Thursday.
The waterman, identified by the Kent County News as David Haas, could not be reached for comment. He told the News that his crew was crabbing near the bay bridge when they lifted the drone from the water.
A comprehensive survey of more than 75,000 voters in all 50 states, conducted over several months by Morning Consult, shows 34 of the nation’s governors have approval ratings of 50 percent or higher, and 16 governors have approval ratings over 60 percent. Governors in only ten states have higher disapproval ratings than approval ratings, the survey found.
If there’s one place on Earth you can already get a glimpse of our robot-assisted future, it’s Japan. Routinely at the forefront of robotics research, the country has brought us some of the weirdest automatons, most lifelike androids, and cutest helper-bots.
Nowhere is this more evident than at Nagasaki’s Henn-na Hotel, a hotel run by robots that opened this year. Walk into reception and a mechanised dinosaur will guide you through check-in; go to your room and a luggage bot will wheel your suitcase along beside you; get ready for bed and your own robot companion will turn out the lights.
The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe was due to open a marijuana resort on December 31. The operation attracted widespread interest but also drew legal concerns from the state and federal officials.
Fearing a raid like those that have hit other parts of Indian Country, the tribe destroyed it marijuana crop earlier this month. Talks have continued with officials as work continues on the facility, The Moody County Enterprise reported.
Team Blackness discussed the widespread view that racist incidents at Mizzou are just isolated incidents and not indicative of culture of racism on college campuses. Sadly, it’s not true. For instance, students at Harvard Law School found that all the portraits of tenured African-American law professors
had black slashes of tape across their faces. Also discussed were former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s defense of his pedophilia, the House approval of the Syrian refugees bill, and more outrage in Minneapolis in response to Jamar Clark's slaying by police.
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On today’s Kagro in the Morning show, the Great Refugee Freak-Out actually worsens; Cruz creeps into position, flips on refugees; both Mitt & I said “Mali” at some point; FL attempts to make “Stand Your Ground” even worse; Vitter abandons his wife, again; the dream of “regular order” in the House dies, again.