It was inevitable that some on the right would suggest that Chelsea Clinton’s second pregnancy is a product not of a couple wanting to have a second child, but of political calculation. But you might have thought Fox News would give those conspiracy theories a few days to circulate before busting out with them on an allegedly real news channel. Nope:
[Former George W. Bush press secretary Dana] Perino noted that the Clinton campaign is casting its candidate as a “tough grandma,” so news that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant again helps push that narrative.
“Is that timed out?” [Fox News guest host Eric] Bolling asked. “Did they do the math?”
“I would never suggest such a thing,” Perino said, despite having just suggested that very thing.
Because never in the history of ever did anyone space their children about two years apart, and it’s just that easy to time your pregnancy for maximum effect on your mother’s political career. I bet it’s extra fun for Chelsea, too, to have that much added attention to her pregnancy!