How genius is the sit-in by Democrats on the House floor who are demanding a vote on gun safety measures? Oh, let us count the ways ...
1. Paul Ryan is screwed—He is tasked with the power “to preserve order and decorum" on the House floor. Let's see him use it, let's see him give the order to the Sergeant at Arms to physically remove people of color from the House floor, let's see him rip the phones out of the hands of Congressional members. DO IT!
2. Trump's latest blowhard speech is completely overshadowed—After all the times that Trump has upstaged his rivals with press stunts during their big moments, Democrats completely stole the show today with #NoBillNoBreak.
3. Republicans have absolutely no good out—They either allow a vote putting all their representatives on record opposing gun safety measures, or they block Democrats from getting a vote by physically removing them from the House floor so they can get back to the business of doing NOTHING. In either case, we can't wait to see the presser where Ryan either explains that he lost control of the House floor—or that he doesn't give a damn about what happened in Orlando, he reclaimed control of the House floor because doing NOTHING is much much more important.
Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in the room where GOP leadership is meeting right now?