Yesterday Trump surrogate Rudy "9/11" Giuliani gave a long public 9/11 rant about how Hillary Clinton did not properly care about 9/11. His rationale: "I heard her say that she was there that day. I was there that day, I don’t remember seeing Hillary Clinton there." This was immediately followed by countless individuals tweeting images of Giuliani and Clinton surveying Ground Zero together, as in side-by-side. That image was taken the day after the attacks; as the attacks took place, Sen. Clinton was in Washington, where her Senate offices were being evacuated.
A transcript shows that Clinton never made the claim she was in New York when the attacks happened, regardless of what Rudy 9/11 thought he heard, and so 9/11 now says he's sorry for saying that.
"I made a mistake. I'm wrong and I apologize," Giuliani told The Associated Press.
Note that he's only sorry for that one part of his statement. He's not sorry for the rest of his speech, in which he declared the New York senator who even he agrees did much to get New York City the help it needed in the days and months that followed, did not "belong to our very, very tight group of 'never forget,'" or for using 9/11 as a political club. He's just sorry for the one thing.