It appears that Donald Trump’s big strategy for the final weeks of the presidential race is attacking Hillary Clinton for her husband’s past actions. If Trump’s intention is to convince voters to support him because of the Clintons’ past, it’s not working:
The Post-ABC poll asked whether people thought "Bill Clinton's treatment of women" is a legitimate issue. Just 31 percent of likely voters said it is, while two-thirds (67 percent) said it isn't. Even Republicans said by a 50-46 margin that it isn't a legitimate issue. [...]
The Post-ABC poll shows just 35 percent of likely voters say Hillary Clinton "unfairly criticizing women who accused her husband of sexual assault" is a legitimate issue. Fully 62 percent disagree. And again, even Republicans are split — 49-49.
Make that, it’s really not working:
Digging deeper, while 36 percent say Trump's treatment of women is "extremely" or "very" important, just 13 percent say the same of Bill Clinton, and 14 percent say Hillary Clinton's criticisms of Bill's accusers are that important. And among political independents, just 1 in 8 say the latter two issues are "extremely" or "very" important to the campaign.
On the other hand, if Trump’s intention is not to attract voters or win the election, but simply to make the next few weeks as ugly and dispiriting as possible, it’s working. Of course, if his intention is to destroy his own personal brand, that’s working, too. But he’s in a vindictive meltdown spiral and doesn’t seem to care about much beyond inflicting damage—wherever he can.
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