The Clinton campaign just released a new ad tying Donald Trump to rabid conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Which, unfortunately for all of us, is a legitimate tie to make: Trump is alone among prospective American presidents in going on the lunatic's show, praising him, and—most alarmingly—being conspicuously quick to mainstream some of those conspiracy theories himself.
The Clinton ad specifically mentions Jones' belief that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, that the government was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, that Obama runs ISIS, and so on and so forth. But it's mention of Jones' 9/11 "truther" beliefs that has Jones spitting mad, and he wants his viewers to know Trump has his back on this one. Because everybody knows those buildings were really blown up by the Red Cross.
We heard the countdown. And it was coming from the Red Cross. Do you know who the Red Cross is, folks? You know who can go behind enemy lines even 500 years ago out of Switzerland? The Red Cross. And I’m not bashing you if you were in the Red Cross, it has a lot of good things it does, but it is the main global intelligence agency front. So, you want to put this in your ad,Hillary? The Red Cross ran the countdown to blow up Building 7. No one would suspect the Red Cross, would they?
He's got us there.
Now they’re going to misrepresent and say: “Oh my God, Trump supports this 9/11 Truther.” Trump is ready for that. Trump knows about 9/11. [...] So you want to throw Trump in the briar patch, go ahead that’s exactly where he wants to go.
And just like that, we've got another question for the next debate. Oh, what fun.