As White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended the administration of popular vote loser Donald Trump's decision to declare open season on transgender student rights, he declared Thursday, "We're a states' rights party.”
In other words, however states might want to dictate which bathrooms transgender students can and can’t use, it's their prerogative. But per usual, that's an explanation the White House will be rolling out on an “as needed” basis. The real governing philosophy at the White House is "we decide" which states have rights and when they have them.
On transgender issues, Spicer said, Trump “respects the decision of the states,” which is sure to launch a bevy of transphobic measures in red states across the nation. But where recreational marijuana use is concerned, Spicer issued a different verdict on so-called “states’ rights” during the very same press conference.
"I do believe you'll see greater enforcement of it," Spicer said at a news conference. "Because again there's a big difference between the medical use ... that's very different than the recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into." [...]
Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, but it has been legalized for recreational use in eight states, including Washington, Colorado and California, as well as the District of Columbia. Last year, legal sales reached $7 billion and generated half a billion dollars in sales taxes.
In the meantime, a Quinnipiac poll released the same day showed a solid majority of Americans support legalizing both medical and recreational marijuana use, and 71 percent want the federal government to stay out of the matter.
Ninety-three percent of Americans support medical marijuana use and 59 percent support legalizing recreational marijuana, according to the poll.
Five out of seven Americans — including majorities of Republicans, Democrats, independents, and all age groups — are opposed to the government enforcing federal prohibition laws in states where marijuana is legal for medical or adult use.
Sorry, America. Whatever you may want, the White House is now picking the winners and losers and they will opportunistically choose a rationale to justify their preferences.