Yup. After presiding over the meltdown of Republican Obamacare repeal efforts, Trump went golfing again.
Sunday's trip marked the president's 13th trip to a golf course since taking office. He has made a trip to a Trump-owned property eight weekends in a row since the inauguration.
That would be every weekend since the inauguration. Donald Trump has spent every weekend of his term visiting a Trump-branded property. Usually it's Mar-a-Lago; one weekend he visited the restaurant of his Washington hotel, the one he is supposed to have distanced himself from; this time it's at his Trump National Golf Club in Virginia.
Perhaps he is checking up on the staff, on boring weekend days when America does not need a president. Perhaps he is making the conscious decision to appear there frequently in order to boost the prestige and profit-margins of the properties that once sported the name of a great gilded twit, but now sport the name of a great gilded twit with nuclear weapons. Perhaps he is after the much duller, lowbrow play of forcing his secret service agents and staffers to spend money at his own restaurants if they want to eat on weekends.
Or perhaps he is a vampire, and must sleep each weekend in a box of his home soil to sustain himself. We cannot say. We can only speculate.