Campaign Action
The American Medical Association has escalated its opposition to Trumpcare, going from concerned about it to hair on fire at the prospect of what it means for their patients and the entire healthcare system. Turn your energy, the AMA is telling Congress, to stabilizing the Affordable Care Act.
The American Medical Association said proposed Republican bills—one to repeal and replace the 2010 health law, the other to repeal only—would cause too many people to lose coverage.
“Each bill results in millions more Americans without health insurance coverage, weakened markets, less access to affordable coverage and care, and the undermining of funding for state Medicaid programs,” wrote Dr. James L. Madara, the group’s CEO, in a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
The doctors group called for bipartisan cooperation, starting with action to shore up shaky insurance markets.
“Senators from both sides of the aisle have expressed interest in pursuing remedies to stabilize the individual market and foster greater availability and choice of health plans. We urge Congress to take this initial step,” the letter said.
What more is it going to take for Senate Republicans to come to their senses and end this madness? No one—no one—in the actual job of healthcare provision supports this. Every major health advocacy group opposes it. The vast majority of the voting population opposes repeal. Eight out of 10 voters say Republicans need to work with Democrats to fix Obamacare! And this:
In the poll, 62 percent said it is a federal responsibility to make sure that all Americans have health care coverage, a 10-point increase from just a few months ago. Thirty-seven percent said health care for all is not a federal responsibility, down from 47 percent in March.
There's no reason for this farce to continue. Senate Republicans have to see that.
Make your Republican senator feel the heat. Call their office EVERY DAY at (202) 224-3121 to demand that they say NO to repealing Obamacare and ripping health care away from millions of Americans. After your call, tell us how it went.