You almost have to admire Team Trump's dedication to finding all the worst people in America, then giving them taxpayer-supported jobs. (As it turns out, most of the worst people in America were already on Fox News, which makes the task simpler.)
So it stands to reason that Fox News talking head Monica Crowley, revealed as a plagiarist during her previous try at a Trump administration position, would eventually be back for a second try. Bloomberg reports Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin plans to hire her as a top Treasury spokesperson, replacing departing Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Tony Sayegh.
If there's anything bound to be more grating than listening to Steven Mnuchin flail his way through defenses of Donald Trump's every whim, it might be listening to a top-tier Fox News pundit doing the same. It also represents a significant step down for Crowley, who had been named as a deputy national security adviser before the plagiarism allegations surfaced but will now have to settle for a public relations role. It will also presumably require her to suspend her lobbying career: In 2017, Crowley registered as a foreign lobbyist working on behalf of Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk. Yes, every last person in Washington is apparently pocketing money from either Ukrainian billionaires, Russian billionaires, or both.
At this rate, though, it seems we will rapidly reach the point where nearly every member of the Trump administration will be an ex-Fox News talking head. And it extends to the Trump family as well: After splitting with his wife, Trump offspring Donald Trump Jr. almost immediately began dating Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle. The Trump and Fox News families are thisclose to interbreeding—possibly in an effort to create a new superrace of humans with the ability to be staggeringly annoying on television regardless of format or topic.
For now, though, expect some of Steven Mnuchin's television appearances to be taken over by, sigh, Fox News talking head Monica Crowley. Sure. Why not? If anything, it’s a surprise it’s taken this long.