This is just too, too perfect. Not one to be out-stunted by his ridiculous Republican colleagues pretending to watch the wall being built at the border (they weren't and it wasn't) indicted Rep. Duncan Hunter, a California Republican, staged his own border fiasco. He staged his own "illegal" border crossing to show just how easy it was.
Except it wasn't a border crossing, because he can't cross the border. He's been indicted for campaign finance violations and the terms of his parole mean he can't leave the country. So when Hunter "eased himself over a railing in the video before proclaiming, 'That's how easy it is to cross the border in Yuma, Arizona," he was actually stepping over a vehicle barrier that's about 100 feet away from the actual border. The actual border at Yuma is the Colorado River.
Hunter's Democratic challenger Ammar Campa-Najjar pointed out on Twitter that it appeared Hunter was violating his parole, and that led to probably the funniest part of this whole fiasco—the massive self-own by Hunter spokesman Michael Harrison. "Congressman Hunter remained in the U.S. ... I recognize our opponent is trying to create a headline, but I would encourage him and others to look and review a map."
Um, Michael? If he remained in the U.S., then he wasn't actually showing how easy it is to hop the border, was he? But you be you, guys. We need the laughs these days.