When your great leader is a big baby-man, that kind of emotional fortitude usually extends through the ranks. Donald Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale is every bit as dumb and ludicrous as you might imagine someone whose predecessors were Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort to be. Democratic Gov.-elect Andy Beshear’s victory in Kentucky last night over Trump-supported chicken pox infector Matt Bevins really seems to have thrown the white supremacist spin machine into tilt.
As it became more and more clear that Bevins wouldn’t be able to steal this election away from the people of Kentucky, Parscale took to his Twitter account to ape the kind of mind-blowing doublethink his gaslighter in chief is infamous for. He tweeted:
“The networks are already full of crap with Kentucky, be honest! The Democrats nominated a moderate, who’s dad was a moderate, who didn’t talk about impeachment or Trump, and who acts like a Republican. Talk about Kentucky when an actual Democrat runs. #FakeNews”
So, to keep score: Trump was supporting incumbent Republican Gov. Matt Bevins against Democratic candidate Andy Beshear, but it turns out that Trump was supporting Bevins against another Republican and so the GOP won last night, even though the new governor of Kentucky will be a registered Democratic Party member. Got it. Crybaby, much? The rest of the internet could see what crybaby bigot Parscale was trying to do, and they let him have it.
Here’s a quick reminder of who Parscale is.
Here's Brad Parscale making a racist hand gesture on Nov. 4, in Lexington, Kentucky.
Let’s begin at the beginning, with some receipts.
An important reminder: People really didn’t—and still don’t—like Matt Bevins.
Tell me if you’ve heard this joke before: A racist walks into a state to lend his support …
And let’s hear from the people!
And something for the vegans!
And this is for emotional republicans!
And a little something for the 420 crowd.
And then we can add some logic puzzles for MAGA heads out there.
Interesting. Here’s a personal favorite.
Are there no safe spaces for people who don’t want to lose elections????
What’s really going on here, Brad?
And for those numbers folks—and early reader book enthusiasts:
Let’s pile on, please.
And finally: