Donald Trump has lost so much money in business that he paid no federal income tax for 10 of 15 years, and paid just $750 in 2016 and again in 2017, The New York Times revealed Sunday night. Chances are, you’ve paid more than $750 in income taxes in a year—and if you want an "I paid more in taxes than Donald Trump" sticker, the Biden campaign has you covered.
That wasn’t the Biden campaign’s only response to the revelations about Trump’s taxes. It’s a safe assumption that the new information is being hastily included in the former vice president’s debate prep, perhaps including a vigorous debate on whether to focus most on Trump’s business failures, the lack of taxes he’s paid, or the hundreds of millions of dollars in debt about to come due for him personally. But in addition to stickers, the campaign released a video driving home the point that you, yes you, probably paid more in taxes than Mr. “I’m a billionaire.”
The video simply shows a series of faces overlaid with text revealing typical income tax for a range of jobs. And, at the end, Trump’s $750. Simple, but devastating, as Trump returns to a weak "fake news" response.
Typical income tax: Elementary school teacher $7,239
Typical income tax: Firefighter $5,283
Typical income tax: Construction manager $16,447
Typical income tax: Registered nurse $10,216
Federal income taxes paid: Donald Trump $750