This from the Houston Cronicle. The House today approved
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which basically is the first federal law to give victims rights to an unborn child.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said Republicans were opting for an election-year abortion issue instead of backing a less controversial approach that would make matter what. This election year could end up attacks on pregnant women a single, but more serious crime. "Real people are suffering real harm while this House has played abortion politics instead of acting to punish truly barbaric crimes."
So Republicans don't care whether or not this is an election year. They are saying that the power is theirs, and they're going to use it no tearing our nation apart. Fights over gay marriages, decency on the airwaves, and abortion are just a few of the controvertial issues we are facing today.
In the same vein, House Speaker Dennis Hastert said there won't be legislation extending the deadline for the 9/11 commision. This from the Seattle Times:
Hastert, R-Ill., said granting the commission's request for a 60-day extension would politicize its final report at the height of the U.S. presidential campaign, spokesman John Feehery said. Hastert rejected a plea from White House chief of staff Andrew Card to reconsider, Feehery said.
Does anyone really believe that the White House wants this to drag on towards the election?