I don't know if this is analysis or just me on a soapbox but here goes...
One ingredient: Ask Dean backers to support other pivotal and congenial Dem candidates.
Dean just asks his backers to take a look at helping a fellow Dem, and, as if by magic, the candidate raises another $51,000 for their campaign. Not quite overnight, and not magic, but you get the idea.
No corporate soul-selling required...
Honest Dems who want to make a difference but have to get elected to do it, are going to love this.
Even more important, Dean is going to be able to provide volunteers, get out the vote people and the 'you name it' that every campaign needs.
Critics (who are, of course, going to criticize) might say, "Hey, it is a party within the Dem party, taking over the party". Maybe it is, but haven't the 'Social Conservatives' pretty much highjacked the Republican party?
I still wonder at the "Party of Abraham Lincoln" trying to suppress minority voters as blatently as they do. No shame, not a bit.
But an insurgent, guerrilla political campaign is very much in the American Independence tradition.
The 'Redcoats' did not like it much when the Americans hid out behind rocks and trees and sniped at the neat Red formations as they marched in an orderly manner to and from Lexington...
I am sure the highly professional British officers recounted their operation as a victory... the American guerrillas were cowardly, angry, and disloyal to "King George"...
And the American people slipped from their grasping hands.
Please Click for more...
I am going to go out on a bit of a "punditry limb" here and make a prediction. George W. Bush is going to be raising even more than the $200 million dollars most Dems think they will have to face.
The corporate fat cats who own much of Washington, DC are going to JUST SHIT as they learn more of what a new American revolution is going to mean for them.
If you had a sweet little multi-billion dollar government-backed monopoly (that's what a drug patent can represent) would you cough up a few million (maybe even tax deductible) to keep it?
You bet your sweet ass you would!
Do you think America's senior citizens will ever be able to buy drugs at Canadian prices if big Pharma can help it? If you do, I've got a nice little bridge in Brooklyn that I am ready to unload...
Hell, a senior citizen on Social Security, who pays with her own cash for her heart medication gets the very worst price for her medicine. And the new "help" from the Republicans will not kick in until 2006, long after Bush hopes to be elected President for the first time.
The Sen. Mitch McConnel (R, of course) and the 'Entitled' class call it 'Freedom of Speech'.
Yes, you are barely free to speak your mind in America right now. An American citizen gets to use the 'First Amendment Zone' a mile from the President or 'the man come and take them awaaay'.
Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Money, now they get actual 'access'. And an excellent lunch.
They call it access, I call it corruption.
So expect every kind of dirty muck-raking attack on the Dem candidate. Backed by boat loads of corporate cash. The kind of cash that puts an entire cruise ship at the beck and call of a sneaky, lying, corrupt CHICKEN-hawk puss-bucket like Tom DeLay.
KOS says Wes Clark has a good campaign manager now, that's good enough for me. I trust KOS even though I have never met him.
No strategic plan means destruction, just ask a general. Once you have a realistic plan, it will change as circumstances require. But you have to have a plan.
Now you know why I am asking the Wes Clark campaign so persistently and fervently for their recipe. If you are a "Clarkie", please, ask him for his strategic plan.
The Truth is out there... The Dean/Trippi "Recipe for CHICKEN-hawk" is out there...
There is a twenty minute video out there... I've watched it several times. It's all good, and I just love the "Recipe for CHICKEN-hawk" in the (about) last third of it. The aroma smells wonderful, but the bird is a long way from done yet.
You can find it using 'google'. I'll help anyone who sends me an E-mail find it. You will have to translate my not-easy-to-harvest email into my real address.
Let's not 'KOS-dot' the website. I wish we had a bit-torrent enabled video transmission system...
Hmmm, I think I am going to write Slashdot and the Clark and Dean campaigns. Free Open Source software, Freedom of speech, Freedom through the Internet, just plain FREEDOM... Sounds good!
And the aroma of that baking CHICKEN-hawk... Now a good beer and my good woman by my side... Heaven Help Us, but, life is good!