Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean on Friday criticized President Bush for restricting stem-cell research based on religious beliefs even though his own faith affected his decision to extend legal rights to gay couples
Howard Dean criticized President Bush on Friday for saying Christianity had influenced his opposition to stem-cell research.
"I think we ought to make scientific decisions, not theological and theoretical decisions," Dr. Dean said at a town-hall-style meeting in Rochester, N.H.
Dr. Dean made the statement three days after saying that his own religion had guided him in supporting civil unions for gays while governor of Vermont.
Wow, so much creativity at the NYT. Dean's rationale for supporting same sex unions had both a biological and religious component:
"The overwhelming evidence is that there is very significant, substantial genetic component to it," Dean said in an interview Wednesday. "From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people."
I don't like Dean's revelation here that he believes in creation. With a science background he can do better than that.
But that doesn't change the fact that his words have one again been misreported. Being a devout practitioner of Picklerism, Wilgoren skipped the significant part of Dean's statement just as her media whore mentor did. Media whoredom is obviously a group activity.
Doesn't the NYT pay Wilgoren enough to come up with specious comparisons of her own?