I'm listening to Dumsfeld's testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on CNN.
"We can persevere in Iraq or we can prematurely withdrawal."
Woah! Did Dumsfeld actually just say that?
Wow. Flashback. 1970. Vietnam. George Carlin.
George Carlin? you say in amazement. Yeah, junior, I am an old fart. And listen, pumpkin, you don't wanna get downwind of me. It'll do weirder things to your hair than you ever imagined. Got it?
1970s Carlin routine:
Two rich fat pricks who voted for Nixon are sitting around in their county club, drinking scotch and talking about the war. "You know," says one, "the local paper just had an editorial saying we should withdraw."
"Withdraw?!" says the other rich fat prick who voted for Nixon. "Withdraw?! Hell, it doesn't sound manly to me."
Yeah, lets stay in and fuck `em some more. My only question is: will we withdraw when we finally get a consensus of our national elites that we're mostly fucking ourselves?
OK, so here's my requests to all you Kossacks. 1) Can someone find a video of Carlin's routine.
2) Can someone do a video of Rumsfeld morphing into Robert McNamara?
And for your amusement, here's a more recent Carlin witticism I found while looking (in vain) for his 1970s "withdrawal" routine:
I don't get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. I see them as symbols, and I leave them to the symbol-minded. -- George Carlin