Buried in the latest deluge of bad news for the overworked and seriously damaged Republican damage control workshop are three more delightful tidbits or occurances that almost,but not quite,could possibly ( nah-no mercy)make me feel sorry for poor old Scotty,standing at what must,increasingly,seem to be,the podium of doom as he,more and more, looks like Bambi in the headlights of a giant SUV.
We can be quite sure their whole spin center felt queezy when these latest tidbits came down the pipe ( I say tidbits,but these are,in their own way,huge ticking bombs).
Great timing on the announcement that DIC llc,a Dubai firm is involved with Britains Doncaster Group in the purchase of several elements of the US arms industry.(hell,why don't we just sell them some bases in the US while we'er at it.Then Haliburton could lease 'em back and sub-contract to DoD) The timing is so good for them.I can see the spin" well we tried to get a good deal for our ports and the evil godless Democrats killed that,so we had to make up the differance with some arms plants". OK then. Works for me. Not.
Can you see Scotty trumpeting WalMarts dramatic announcement of creating 150,000 jobs? Wouldn't surprise me. Thats a big advance on the job creation front. Except the jobs are in China.
And of course,much is made (in the disgruntled third party faction,at least) about there being no differance between the two major parties. Today we saw they may be right (for the wrong reasons).That would be on the topic of party unity of course. We hear it is the Democrats that bicker and backstab ( unfortunatly,there are some examples in the past of this)but,boy,those goopers sure are starting to scratch and claw each other. Today we have Trent Lott saying "Bill Frist has no shot at President" (well duh,but we didn't excactly want HIM to know that.It was fun to watch his detached from reality delusion).Whats so great about that? The rethugs are (as evidenced by several other events recently)are starting to gouge each others eyes out at the same time Democrats are,after painful episodes (too numerous to mention here-we all know of what I speak)are finally coming together on the issues and the messages-- 'dangerous incompetance' for example. The goopers are going to find out the hard way that once you start with with internal bloodletting it becomes habit forming-much like Stalins purges. Democrats need now,more than ever before stop their own carping,enjoy gooper self evisceration and learn from it. This should be made easier because of my fourth,honorable mention optimistic point---the excellant,strongest in years,field of cantidates across the country. There is a lot to be optimistic about,even if gooper woes are in fact caused by their miserable handling of so many issues that have led to so much misery. That means that Democrats need so much to stay together,stay on message,stay on the attack. There is much to done to clean up and repair the damage done on so many levels.
Yes,Democrats have much to be optimistic about. I hope the optimimism extends to taking on extremly hard work starting November. It looks more and more as if getting elected will be the easy part(and that ain't no given!).Cleaning up this mess is going take a lot of committment to hard work and effort. And new approaches to old problems.